1 Provider
Mapper 接口
Provider 注解,属性 type = Provider 类和 method = Provider 类中的方法
public interface InterMsgMapper {
@DeleteProvider(type = InterMsgProvider.class, method = "delete")
int delete(Integer actionType, Integer targetType, Long actionId);
Provider 类实现
public class InterMsgProvider {
public String delete(Integer actionType, Integer targetType, Long actionId) {
return "delete from inter_msg where id <> 0 and action_type= " + actionType
+ " and target_type = " + targetType
+ " and action_id = " + actionId;
2 循环
"update goods set status = #{status,jdbcType=TINYINT} where id in ",
"<foreach item='goodsId' index='index' collection='goodsIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>",
int updateGoodsStatus(@Param("goodsIds") List<Long> goodsIds, @Param("status") Byte status);
"update t_sync_time ",
" set updateTime = #{beginTime}",
"<if test='isAll == true'>",
", allTime = #{beginTime}",
", manualAll = 0",
" where id = #{id}",
int updateById(@Param("id") int id, @Param("isAll") boolean isAll, @Param("beginTime") String beginTime);
if + foreach
" select sku.innerId from t_cps_sku sku INNER JOIN t_ams_account account on sku.warehouseId = account.warehouseId ",
" where sku.updateTime >= #{updateTime}",
"<if test='warehouseIds != null and warehouseIds.size() > 0'>",
" or sku.warehouseId in ",
"<foreach item='warehouseId' index='index' collection='warehouseIds' open='(' separator=',' close=')'>",
List<Long> getCpsSkuAccountByupdateTime(@Param("updateTime") Date updateTime, @Param("warehouseIds") List<Integer> warehouseIds);
3 @Options 注解
@Insert("insert into instance (infos)"
+ " ("
+ " @{infos},"
+ " NOW()"
+ ")")
@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "instanceId", keyColumn = "instance_id")
int addInstance(Instance instance);
- useCache = true,表示本次查询结果被缓存以提高下次查询速度
- flushCache = false,表示下次查询时不刷新缓存
- timeout = 10000,表示查询结果缓存10000秒。